Тема в разделе "80/90/100/200/А6 С4", создана пользователем Pavel_, 5 июн 2013.

  1. sviblovo99

    sviblovo99 Участник форума

    16 сен 2013
    100/с4 2,6 93г.
    Сразу прошу прощения за оффтоп.......подскажите пожалуйста эти нормативы одинаково подходят и для AAH и для ABC?Если нет,то может кто знает какие должны быть показатели и в каких группах-каналах на ABC?
    Заранее спасибо.
  2. Furba

    Furba Bad e-mail

    19 янв 2014
    100/C4 AAH quattro
    Hello colleagues, sorry that I`m writing at English, but no other way, I had read all posts, but I have some questions more and no one can answer me here in Bulgaria neither my colleagues in BG Audi forum nor our car-services ....... My car has a vibration and a little hesitation at idle and i wan to eliminate it(also I fill middle-strong vibration between 1800-2000 об/м ), my go is to make it working almost perfectly, tomorrow I`ll recode it with 1110(I have MMS200 and MMS314) to check what will be the results, but what I`m wondering is :

    Do someone know what vacuum should have this engine (is there any meter at all), I had checked it by pressure gauge from 1.8 T and it shows -0.65
    Is there any meter resistance of injectors (mine are 8.7 ohm, all of them)
    My injector time is changing every second - from 3.5 мс to 4.3 мс randomly
  3. Furba

    Furba Bad e-mail

    19 янв 2014
    100/C4 AAH quattro
  4. 3StYlER

    3StYlER Живу я здесь

    2 янв 2012
    BMW X5 3.0i 05г.
    #244 3StYlER, 9 мар 2014
    Последнее редактирование: 9 мар 2014
    it shows 0.65 bar on idle? ELSA says, that pressure on idle on ABC engine should be 0.3-0.6. ABC and our engines are quite similar, so i think we can apply this to our engine. my engine shows 0.4. i mesured it with gaz MAP-sensor. so, first of all, there is too much uncounted air. we can see it too in 8 window. there's should be 120-136. the greater count is there - the poorer mix of air and petrol is. second, i didn't understand what is your stock engine control unit? which MMC?
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  5. Furba

    Furba Bad e-mail

    19 янв 2014
    100/C4 AAH quattro
    My engine is AAH (AFC body with AAH heads), I`m using MMS201, but i have also and MMS314 which has advanced control technology (I assume). I adjust the software coding to 1110, but I don`t have gas to test it :shuffle: , I`ll test whether cable configuration(SWC 1110) for MMS200 will be same and for MMS300. I never had used before ELSA (I`ll check what it says). From what i had read till now from all the world forums i can assume that the engine vacuum should be -0.7 ...... but low vacuum pressure can be provoke by holes in exhaust system, because of some stupid people now I have one broken bolt to my exhaust collectors and the engine should work several minutes to worm up so collectors can get tight(RPMS go to 700 from 1200 and the engine get much more quiet) ..... ,before this measuring shows ~ -0.52 and after collectors get tight measuring shows -0.65
  6. 3StYlER

    3StYlER Живу я здесь

    2 янв 2012
    BMW X5 3.0i 05г.
    minus 0.7? minus 0.7 is the same as 0.3. ok, lets think, that the intake is in proper condition. what about exhaust - i didn't think that this applies anything. just noise :wink: by the all, the mix in your engine is too poor. it shows too high voltage of air mass meter in 2 window, counts in 8 window and too low count in 9 window. if you had mmc100 - the problem could be solved in 1 min by adjusting special screw on air meter :wink: how to adjust mix on your block - i didn't know
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  7. Furba

    Furba Bad e-mail

    19 янв 2014
    100/C4 AAH quattro
    There is no way to find out MMS100, but we can try with my MMS200, car has this mass-airflow sensor цък
    We had communicated with several my colleagues from our forum that there is no V6 2V engines from those years that are working normal(almost perfect) all of them are vibrating or shaking ...... I had checked by myself more than 10 cars ..... I fixed many thing on my car ...., but no results. Tomorrow I`ll get some fuel and test several combinations, later I`ll post here the results, I think that info from measuring groups 000-010-019 are enough to get some picture of the situation .... right?

    P.S. Yes it seems that mixture is too poor, but why Lambdas do not do what they have to do :)
  8. 3StYlER

    3StYlER Живу я здесь

    2 янв 2012
    BMW X5 3.0i 05г.
    hm, i allways though that only mmc100 have this screw :shock: put in mmc200 and do all the measurements. remember, that the engine should be warm - 85-90 degrees.

    why the liambdas don't correct? they correct, but they can't correct so much.
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  9. Furba

    Furba Bad e-mail

    19 янв 2014
    100/C4 AAH quattro
    #249 Furba, 11 мар 2014
    Последнее редактирование: 11 мар 2014
    Hello colleagues, today i had tried some of all experiments, here are the results :

    MMS200 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzg9n0_DY6CRLTNYQ0dtMFFDanM/edit?usp=sharing
    MMS300 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzg9n0_DY6CRTFNNcFlxVzhPbFk/edit?usp=sharing

    Software coding is 1110 for MMS200 and same wiring configuration was used for MMS300 computer. I saw one interest for me information, when I switched from 200(no error codes) to 300 it shows only one error code - EVAP(I had physically disconnected lambdas and EVAP), after 5 min I reconnect EVAP - its error disappear, but right then it shows two other errors - for both lambdas .... I assume that for 300 series wiring combination is different than 200 series, but is similar ...... Nothing changed in way of engine work, dynamic or power ..... tomorrow I`ll check how is the consumption :nod:

    P.S. How`s looking to you the results

    P.P.S I tried to adjust the mass-meter sensor with the screw, but no results ....... it can be damaged too
  10. 3StYlER

    3StYlER Живу я здесь

    2 янв 2012
    BMW X5 3.0i 05г.
    :hi: don't take any logs. it's hard to read them. connect liambdas. warm up the engine till the fan starts working. wait till it stops. and just write down all the counts in 000 group and all the chanells from Single Reading feature. it will be enough)
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  11. Furba

    Furba Bad e-mail

    19 янв 2014
    100/C4 AAH quattro
    thank you for the advice, I`ll do it tomorrow ........ but if you open these files with Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice(if you are using Linux) it is looking even beautiful :nod: , it is not graphical but values like this цък
  12. Furba

    Furba Bad e-mail

    19 янв 2014
    100/C4 AAH quattro
    Простите, пожалуйста, извините меня ........ цък 2
  13. 3StYlER

    3StYlER Живу я здесь

    2 янв 2012
    BMW X5 3.0i 05г.
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  14. Furba

    Furba Bad e-mail

    19 янв 2014
    100/C4 AAH quattro
    Yes I`ll follow your advice :) ...... please check this link i hope it will help цък
  15. 3StYlER

    3StYlER Живу я здесь

    2 янв 2012
    BMW X5 3.0i 05г.
    thank you for YOUR advice! :hi: although i have MS office 2003, i found how to do this. about mmc300 i can't say anything, because i never saw it naturally. by me, mmc100/200 are better, because they are simplier, u can apply mix by yourself by that magic screw. what about mmc200 logs? what's happening with the window 9 in 000 group? the counts there are increasing and decreasing. did you try to move screw during these measurements?

    anyway, i'm waiting for information, that i mentioned in posts above)


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  16. Furba

    Furba Bad e-mail

    19 янв 2014
    100/C4 AAH quattro
    Hello :), sorry for my delay, but there is so much things that i have to do :nod:

    Nope I did not touch anything, values were changing by itself (by the computer) ..... i don`t know why :confused:

    Please check file цък , this is from my short trip yesterday (3-4km) , with SWC 1110, and disconnected lambdas(I wanted to check what will be the consumption ......13.8/100 at the end of the day - urban drive). Today i`ll connect lambdas and set code 1010, later or tomorrow I`ll post results :beer:

    This week is week of MMS200, next week i`ll do same experiments with MMS300 :engineer:
  17. Furba

    Furba Bad e-mail

    19 янв 2014
    100/C4 AAH quattro
    MMS200 1010 with connected oxygen sensors
    MMS200 1110 with connected oxygen sensors
    MMS300 with connected oxygen sensors
    MMS300 with connected oxygen sensors 1

    I can`t find out where is the problem, car is not accelerating as good as it should, and when it is at idle I can feel vibration from the engine!
    I checked my sparks for differences between them, but all are normal цък

    Please help, i want to drive 2.8 V6 not 1.8 L4 :cool:
  18. 3StYlER

    3StYlER Живу я здесь

    2 янв 2012
    BMW X5 3.0i 05г.
    i don't like 4 sparks. the colour of them similar to burned oil. what is oil consumption in 1000km? what is compression? did you measured it?
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  19. Furba

    Furba Bad e-mail

    19 янв 2014
    100/C4 AAH quattro
    Something like 1l/5000km (some low coast kind Italian oil - I think it is normal for such garbage), I never had checked the compression for this body(it should be at real 81k miles) ...., but tomorrow I will check it anyway- just to be sure that everything is ok with this :up:
  20. Nauglamir

    Nauglamir Новичок

    22 мар 2014
    Смоленская обл.
    80 б4.
    Всем привет. Подскажите новичку где купить провод и взять программу эту vag com??? Купил недавно сотку хочу потихоньку начать разбираться с ней.