Коолективное письмо в AUDI

Тема в разделе "Allroad 4B С5", создана пользователем Dzuba, 18 янв 2010.


    SEMENCHIK1 Bad e-mail

    13 сен 2008
    А6С6 4.2 фси BVJ
    Ты главное уточни на какой именно адресс он отправлял письмо в германию? мне кажется это немаловажно!
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  2. VitaminoZZ

    VitaminoZZ Bad e-mail

    26 мар 2008
    Audi Q7 3.0D 2016
    все банально: www.audi.de раздел Kontakte
  3. RRomario

    RRomario Старожил

    17 янв 2010
    Allroad 3,0TDI '09
    Ну вот, состряпал с картинками! Как теперь выложить на форуме, чтобы все глянули - не знаю. Положил на майл.ру.
    Почитайте, посмотрите - какие будут конструктивные пожелания о том, что уточнить или что дополнить.
  4. dbann

    dbann Живу я здесь

    14 окт 2008
    Здорово написано и фото прям в точку :thumbup:
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  5. all-road

    all-road Директор Мира

    17 апр 2008
    ALLROAD 2.7Т 2OO2г., A3 2.0 FSI 2OO6г.
    #305 all-road, 26 апр 2010
    Последнее редактирование: 27 апр 2010
    Dear Mr. Stadler!

    The Russian Internet club of Audi car’s owners, which united over 40 000 owners of Audi
    cars, want to thank company Audi about the uncompromising policy provided in maintenance
    and in high quality of production. The famous quality and attention to details – there are
    lines which finally allowed owners to make the choice in favor of Audi mark.
    Our Internet club could be some kind of the public opinion indicator which show merits and
    demerits of Audi cars. Club members has decided to share with Audi AG some supervision’s
    results about an arising problems during car’s usage and service and also highlight some
    questions of Audi’s owners which were raised on a forum’s pages and were asked to Audi’s
    dealers in Russia and in other past-soviet union states like Ukraine, Belorussia and
    The major concern from members of our Audi club is a low quality of components provided
    by company Audi for pneumatic suspension of Audi Allroad 4BH 2000-2005 model years. In
    particular, owners of Audi Allroad of first generation have got a fast failure of new air springs
    installed at official Audi dealers. Cases of failure have become frequent when the given detail
    is fail already during one or two weeks after its installation. Though the all dealers carry out
    warranty on replacement of the spoilt air springs on new, many owners of Audi Allroad from
    different states are afraid to use of the given cars connected with distant travel or departures
    to the nature.
    It would be desirable to note, that falling quality of air sprigs has occurred in 2007
    simultaneously to rise of their price in 2 times.
    Our members were found and noted that air springs issued till 2007 had life more 5 years
    and had mileage 120-180 thousands km while air springs issued after 2007 cannot life more
    than 60 thousands km.

    Examples of condition and quality of air springs Examples of condition and quality of new air
    issued till 2007 year springs issued after 2007 year



    We were investigating and comparing air springs of Allroad “4BH” and air springs established on
    Allroad “4FH” we have come to conclusion about that Allroad last generation has directing and
    dust cap which protects air spring from dirt. Thereby it prevents formation of damage in a rubber
    of air spring which are a route course of failure of the air compressor which not so cheap also.
    Audi Allroad established a reputation of most stylized and ideally adapted car for the past-soviet
    union states road conditions which was found more admirers among the drivers invariably.

    Degradation of quality of spare parts delivered by official Russian dealers and the high price
    for separated units whose cost more high than technically identical details delivered by other
    manufacturers will be decrease of consumer interest to the given model of the car and also
    compels of owners of Audi Allroad to use spare parts and accessories of alien manufacturers.
    All it has led hereto owners of Audi Allroad to use air springs and air compressor from Arnott Company.
    Spare parts and components from Arnott Company has a lifetime warranty and price lower three time.


    OEM air springs with “hand made” dust cover(left) Arnott’s air springs (provided by Russian’s owners)(right)


    We would like to pay your attention that formation of consumer demand for new cars in Russia
    in many respects depends on cost, quality and accessibility of delivered spare parts. All members
    of our club expresses huge hope that our note will assist to revise a situation and service politics
    by company Audi AG, related with quality of provided air springs, other spare parts for original
    pneumatic suspensions and the prices to them.
    Yours respectfully, Audi club of past-soviet union states and owners of forever young Audi cars.
  6. mdx

    mdx Bad e-mail

    23 авг 2009
    Audi Allroad 2.5 TDI vs mAzDa 323F 2.0 v6
    картинка с герметиком вылезающим из баллона, я думаю их смутит))) а так отлично, молодцом!!!
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  7. RRomario

    RRomario Старожил

    17 янв 2010
    Allroad 3,0TDI '09
    Я там все цифры правильно расставил?
    Да, кстати, последние картинки не влезли!
  8. L&M

    L&M Участник форума

    7 апр 2009
    Q7-4,2 TDI
    РРомарио спасибо от всего пост-советского пространства:beer:))))
  9. DOS

    DOS Старожил

    24 июн 2009
    А при чём там порш кайен на последней фоте, мож я не понял чего?
  10. RRomario

    RRomario Старожил

    17 янв 2010
    Allroad 3,0TDI '09
    #310 RRomario, 26 апр 2010
    Последнее редактирование: 26 апр 2010
    Гофра на Арноте от Кайена стоит - надо же было отметить, что у нас парни не лыком шиты!:umnik:
    Я вот теперь сижу и думаю - от чьего имени мне письмо отправить. Если от своего - подставлю своих парней на станции. Попу им надерут "ни за что". Не красиво получится!
    У нас нет возможности прямо с форума письмо пульнуть? Разум ведь коллективный все придумывал - а то с моего ящика это как слишком персонально получится! Я стесняюсь!:confused:
    1 человеку нравится это.
  11. Жексон

    Жексон *******

    7 сен 2009
    Молодец RRomario:thumbup:
    Довел начатое до так сказать "конца":rock:
  12. counter

    counter Участник форума

    8 май 2009
    Audi Allroad, 2.7T, 12/2003
    Куда выслать образец цифровой подписи (скан)???
    Чтоб в pdf-ку подцепить...
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  13. RRomario

    RRomario Старожил

    17 янв 2010
    Allroad 3,0TDI '09
    Высылай мне rudevsky*mail.ru
  14. RRomario

    RRomario Старожил

    17 янв 2010
    Allroad 3,0TDI '09
    Вставил и запрессовал посильнее, чтобы корпоративная почта Audi пропустила письмецо.
  15. all-road

    all-road Директор Мира

    17 апр 2008
    ALLROAD 2.7Т 2OO2г., A3 2.0 FSI 2OO6г.
    #315 all-road, 27 апр 2010
    Последнее редактирование: 27 апр 2010
    Поправил письмо на предмет ошибок языка, а так же чуть отполировал термины!

    Dear Mr. Stadler!

    Russian Internet club of Audi cars owners which united over 40 000 owners of Audi cars, wants to thank Audi company about uncompromising policy provided in maintenance and high quality production.

    The famous quality and attention to details these are qualities which finally allowed to owners make their choice in favor of Audi brand.

    Our internet Club could be some kind of the social opinion which shows merits and demerits of Audi cars. Club members have decided to share with Audi AG some supervision results about arised problems during cars usage and service. We are also highlight some questions from Audi owners which were raised on the forum pages and were asked to Russian Audi dealers and also in other past-soviet union states like Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

    The major concern from Audi club members is low quality of components provided by Audi for pneumatic air suspension of Audi Allroad 4BH 2000-2005 model years. In particular, owners of Audi 4BH Allroad have got fast failure of new air springs installed at official Audi dealers.

    Cases of failure has become frequent when the given details is fail already during one or two weeks after installation. Though the all dealers carry out warranty on replacement of the leaking air springs on new, many owners of Audi 4BH Allroad from different states are afraid to use given cars connected with distant travel or departures to the nature.

    It would be desirable to note that falling quality of air springs has occurred in 2007 simultaneously rising of their price in 2 times. Our members were found and noticed that air springs issued before 2007 stayed good for usage more than 5 years or mileage 120-180 thousands km while air springs issued after 2007 doesn't live even more than 30 thousands km!

    БЛОК ФОТО №1

    We investigated and compared air springs of 4BH Allroad versus air springs established for 4FH Allroad and we have come to conclusion that 4FH Allroad last generation air springs has an aluminum outer sleeve designed to increase the spring rate and dust cap which protects air springs from dirt. Thereby it prevents rubber damage formation of air spring which is reason of the air compressor failure that is also not so cheap.

    Audi Allroad has established a reputation of most stylized and ideally adapted car for the past-soviet union states road conditions which was found more admirers among the drivers.

    Degradation of quality of spare parts delivered by official Russian dealers and the high prices for separated units whose cost much more than technically identical details delivered by other manufacturers will be decrease consumer interest to the given model of the car and also compels owners of Audi Allroad to use spare parts and accessories from outside manufacturers.
    This situation has led Audi 4BH Allroad owners to use air springs and air compressor from Arnott Company.
    Spare parts and components from Arnott Company has a lifetime warranty and prices is three times lower.


    БЛОК ФОТО №2

    БЛОК ФОТО №3

    We would like to pay your attention that formation of consumer demand for new cars in Russia in many respects depends on cost, quality and accessibility of delivered spare parts. All members of our club expresses huge hope that our note will assist to revise a situation and service politics by Audi AG company related with quality of provided air springs, other spare parts for original pneumatic air suspension and the prices to it.

    Sincerely yours, Audi club of past-soviet union states and owners of Audi cars.
  16. Andrew.by

    Andrew.by Завсегдатай

    7 фев 2010
    A6-All. BiTDI'15 St.1
    Коллеги! Письмо обязательно нужно дублировать в Германию на бумажном носителе (ИМХО) - это вещественно! Для верности - заказным письмом через международную почту (EMS, DHL, M&M), чтобы его прямо в офис доставили, а там за получение расписались. Попав по нужному адресу, корресподенция получит регистрационный номер и пойдет "по процедуре" - по нему обязаны будут проделать работу, принять меры и дать ответ, отчитаться (немецкая "машина" VAG должна сработать). Электронную версию тоже надо обязательно запустить параллельно. Лист с подписями нужно сделать отдельно, собирая электронные подписи членов клуба с указанием WIN авто и владельца. Письмо, подписанное одним человеком, - ничто, по сравнению с коллективным обращением. Подписей, уверен, не один десяток наберется! А отправить лучше с адреса клуба, если это конечно возможно.
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  17. counter

    counter Участник форума

    8 май 2009
    Audi Allroad, 2.7T, 12/2003
    Выслал на мыло. Лови!
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  18. mdx

    mdx Bad e-mail

    23 авг 2009
    Audi Allroad 2.5 TDI vs mAzDa 323F 2.0 v6
    эдак мы афтографы будем еще месяца три собирать( не дело(
    надать организовать большой сходняк и там все это дело аформить)
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  19. alexeich-san

    alexeich-san Завсегдатай

    3 май 2009
    AUDI Allroad 2,7 Т
    по поводу сходняка не уверен, поскольку не все желающие смогут приехать! а вот создать бланк-образец, и разослать его эл-ной почтой участникам клуба. В бланке каждый может написать вин своей машины и поставить подпись или еще чего-нибудь. Данный бланк, направить тому кто будет направлять письмо в Германию, при этом как кому удобно хоть почтой хоть нарочным (в почтовый ящик бросить в удобное для вас время). Я думаю так будет удобнее каждому, нежели пытаться всех собрать в одном месте.
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  20. mdx

    mdx Bad e-mail

    23 авг 2009
    Audi Allroad 2.5 TDI vs mAzDa 323F 2.0 v6
    Ну тоже как вариант)
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