Помогите пробить вин Добрый день. Помогите пробить вин и комплектацию: WAUZZZ4AZPN027320. Заранее большое спасибо.
Доброго времени суток! Если можно информацию по WAUZZZ8P59A109559 особенно интересует тип робота (мокрый/сухой)
Здравствуйте. пожалуйста пробейте этот ВИН WA1LGAFE8BD002148 для меня. Очень хочу узнать историю машинки. Большое спасибо заранее
В целом больших проблем нет. Но: Пробег: 20 295 миль на 11/29/2012 12/13/2012 LA State Agency REAR IMPACT WITH ANOTHER VEHICLE (Case #:20120046485) 12/13/2012 LA Police Report REAR IMPACT COLLISION ACCIDENT REPORTED (Case #:20120046485) 12/13/2012 LA State Agency SLIGHT DAMAGE REPORTED Emission/Safety Inspection Vehicle Use and EventCheck An approved emission testing station has inspected the vehicle to measure the amount of pollutants the vehicle emits into the environment. Accident or Vehicle Damage Vehicle Use and EventCheck Reported accidents or damage events are a result of vehicle collisions or other non-collision incidents such as vandalism or theft. Not all accidents or damage events are reported to AutoCheck. Certain accident or damage events are reported by the source to have resulted in minor, moderate or severe damage to the vehicle, or the events are calculated by AutoCheck to have resulted in minor, moderate or severe damage based on the information reported. It is recommended to have pre-owned vehicles inspected by a third party prior to purchase.
Добрый день. Можно расшифровать и узнать историю, друг хочет покупать машину wauzzz8e86a141500 и wauzzz8e28a109323 очень нужно. За ранее блогодарен.