Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста A8S - Исполнение Standard G0C - 5-Ступ. Механическая Кп K8B - Полностью Оцинкованный Кузов MT5 - 6-Цил.Бенз.Дв-Ль 2,4 Л/121 Квт (V6) Eu3 (Временное Решение) Баз.Двигатель: T7t T7T - 6-Цил. Бенз.Двиг. 2,4 Л Агрег. 078.7 0DS - Спецкомплект Для Платформы 4b0 Audi 1VH - Монтажные Детали Для 6-Цил. Двигателя 1X0 - Передний Привод C08 - Разрешение На Эксплуатацию, Приложение 08 SA6 - Диспомодель 1 1BE - Спорт.Ход.Часть, Улучш.Шумоизоляция, Усил.Подвеска, Уменьш.Дорожн.Просвет Приблиз. На 25 Мм 3NZ - Неразделенное Задн. Многоместн. Сиденье, Откидная Спинка 1/3 К 2/3, С Центр. Подлокотником 7P1 - Опора Поясничного Позвонка С Электрорегул. В Передн. Сиденьях PH5 - код не найден PRQ - Cast Aluminium Alloy Wheels, 7.5jx16, 12-Spoke Design, With 215/55 R 16 Y Tyres RBL - Radio Chorus With Front And Rear Speakers WL1 - Leather Trim "Vienna" WM3 - Sharan "Voyage Ii" For Belgium / Luxembourg With Rch Radio "Gamma" C6R - Легкосплавные Диски 7j X 16, Дизайн "10 Спиц", Et 45 H1Q - Шины 215/55 R 16 W N4J - Обивка Сидений: Ткань "Sport 4b0" 0N6 - Задняя Ось С Уменьш. Шириной Колеи 1MR - Кожаное Рулевое Колесо (4 Спицы) 1PC - Болты – Секретки 5A5 - Облиц.Баг.Отдел. С Ящичками Для Мелк.Дет-Лей 5MC - Декор. Алюм. Вставки, Karo-Graphit 6Q2 - Кожаная Рукоятка Рычага Кп 6R2 - Кожаный Чехол Рычага Кп 8GL - Генератор 120 А 8UC - Аудиосистема Сhorus 9AK - Кондиционер "Climatronic" 9VD - Динамик(-И) Спереди И Сзади B0A - Деталировка Без Спец. Конструктивных Предписаний Для Страны B99 - Одобрение Типа Тс По Внутр.Регламенту, Но В Соотв.С Реглам. Ес В Ес E0A - Отсутствует Исполнение В Рамках Акции FA0 - Регламент Опытной Серии F0Y - Спец. А/М J0L - Акб 340 А (70 А*ч) L0L - Lhd Vehicle QA0 - Без Встроенных Детских Сидений Q1A - Стандартн. Сиденья U1C - Панель Приборов С Шкалой "Км/Ч", Часы, Тахометр, Суточный Счетчик Пути В Км И Доп.Приб. (Вольтметр И Темп. Масла) VC0 - Без Устр-Ва Открыв. Гаражн.Ворот 0G1 - Рычаг Механизма Включения Передач 0JH - Класс Грузоподъемности Передней Оси - Весовой Диапазон 8 0LW - Спец. Таблички/Наклейки/Серт. Безопасности Для Германии 0L0 - Механический Привод Дроссельной Заслонки 0ST - Наклейки/Таблички На Нем./Франц. Яз. 0TD - Коврики Из Текст. М-Ла Передн. И Задн. 0VC - Руководство По Эксплуатации На Нем. Языке 0W1 - Наклейка Для Коммутац. Блока Немецко-Говор. Стран 0YC - Класс Грузоподъемности Задней Оси - Весовой Диапазон 3 1AJ - Aнтипробуксовочная Система (Abs/Asr/Eds) С Электронной Блокировкой Дифференциала 1C1 - Антифриз С Темп. Замерз. До -25 Град. С, Допуск До -30 Град. С 1D0 - Без Тягово-Сцепного Устройства 1EX - Табличка С Vin-Номером 1E1 - Противопылевой Фильтр С Угольным Фильтром 1G3 - Полноразмерное Запасное Колесо, Легкосплавный Диск 1KD - Задние Дисковые Тормоза 1LB - Желтые Передние Суппорты 1N1 - Усилитель Руля 1SA - Без Дополнительной Защиты Картера 1S7 - Инструменты И Алюминиевый Домкрат 1T3 - Аптечка И Знак Аварийной Остановки 1WD - Диаметр Фланца Вала Кп Для Шарнира Типа Трипод 1YA - Без Валов С Фланцами Кп Для Заднего Моста 1Z0 - Первая Заправка Серийным Топливом 2A5 - Оснащение Для Транспортировки Морским Путем (Защита При Транспортировке), С Тонкой Обивкой Сиденья 2B0 - Без Дополнительной Шумоизоляции 2C5 - Регулировка Высоты И Продольного Положения Рулевой Колонки 2G1 - Вставка Для Неэтилированного Бензина 2K1 - Усиленные Бамперы 2T0 - Без Двойного Din 2WA - Без Дополнительной Резины 2Z1 - Надпись На Задней Части Кузова С Обозначением Модели И С Эмблемой Quattro, Без Указания Литража 3B0 - Без Подготовки Для Постзаводской Установки Системы Креплений Детских Сидений Isofix Сзади 3CA - Без Перегородки 3C7 - Диагонально-Поясной Ремень Безопасности На Среднем Заднем Сиденье 3FA - Без Люка (Сплошная Крыша) 3GA - Без Пола Груз. Отсека 3HA - Без Отделки Кожей 3PF - Электрорегулировка Высоты Передних Сидений 3Q6 - 3-Ий Подголовник Сзади 3S0 - Без Релингов Крыши 3V0 - Без Детского Многоместного Сиденья 3X0 - Без Приспособл. Для Перевозки Длинномерн. Грузов 3Y0 - Без Солнцезащитной Шторки 4A0 - Без Обогрева Сидений 4E0 - Дистанц. Отпирание Крышки Топл. Бака 4GH - Серая Тонировка В Верхней Части Ветров. Стекла 4KC - Зеленое Теплозащитное Остекление 4K4 - Центральный Замок С Радиодистанц. Управлением 4LA - Без Элемента Управления 4L2 - Затемняемое Зеркало В Салоне 4M0 - Без Подстаканника 4N0 - Передняя Панель Standard 4SD - Косметическое Зеркало С Подсветкой В Водит.Солнцезащитн. Козырьке 4TD - Космет.Зеркало С Подсветкой В Солнцезащ.Козырьке Передн.Пасс. 4UE - Подушка Безоп.Водителя И Пер.Пасс. 4W0 - Без Отсека Для Кассет/Компакт-Дисков 4X1 - Бок. Подушка Безоп. Водителя И Передн.Пасс. 5C0 - Кузов Без Особых Мероприятий 5D1 - Дистанционное Управление И Блокировка Дверей 5E2 - Накладка Порога С Обшивкой Двери В Цвет Кузова 5K1 - Консервация Окрашенной Поверхности (Воск) 5RQ - Сферич.Наружн.Прав.Зеркало Со Стор.Передн.Пасс. 5SL - Асферич.Наружн.Зеркало На Стороне Водителя 6E0 - Без Центрального Переднего Подлокотника 6FB - Корпус Наружных Зеркал И Дверные Ручки В Цвет Кузова 6M1 - Комбинированная Сетка 6PA - Пластиковая Рукоятка Рычага Стояночного Тормоза 6U0 - Без Доп. Наружн. Уплотнителей 6V1 - Щиток Номерн. Знака Еэк 6W5 - Передний Держатель Номерн. Знака (Фрг, Франция) 6XD - Электрорегулировка И Обогрев Наружн. Зеркал 7AA - Электронный Иммобилайзер 7A0 - Без Cd-Чейнджера/Проигрывателя Cd 7CA - Без Наклейки Радиоуправление 7E0 - Без Накопителя Тепла/Доп. Обогрева 7K0 - Без Системы Контроля Давления В Шинах 7M1 - Пластиковые Накладки Порогов В Дверных Проемах С Металлическими Вставками 7QA - Без Cd-Rom 7Q0 - Без Прибора Навигации 7X0 - Без Парковочного Ассистента 8CC - Спидометр Не Опломбирован (Электронный Спидометр) 8JH - Эллипсоидные Основные Фары Для Правостороннего Движения 8K0 - Без Спец. Включения Ближнего Света 8Q1 - Регулировка Угла Наклона Фар 8TC - Задний Противотуманный Фонарь 8T0 - Без Системы Gra 8WB - Противотуманные Фары 8X0 - Без Очистителя Фар 8Z5 - Система Охл. Дв-Ля, Исполнение 1 9B0 - Без Устройства Telepass 9M0 - Без Дополнительного/Автономного Отопителя 9P0 - Без Контроля Ремней Безопасности 9Q0 - Без Многофункционального Дисплея/Бортового Компьютера 9W0 - Без Подготовки Для Постзаводской Установки Автотелефона/Автотелефона
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста AUD 100 CD 1983года.Пожалуйста пробейти кто нибудь ВИН! Зарание благодарен. WAUZZZ4ZDA*134797
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста не позже 1992 года выпуска, писалось уже 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 раз. неужели так трудно это понять?
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста AUDI 80 1.8S 90 1989-09 РМ -- 90л.с. TORNADOROT ГУР, вроде как есть люк (стекло), крепёж для лыж, ЦЗ, Beta антена на з/стекле, мех. регулировки сидений.
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста AUDI 100 1991-02 AAR -- 2.3 INDIGO PERLEFF. MET Решётка радиатора и передний бампер для стран с жарким климатом. Электрическая солнцезащитная шторка, подголовники задние, стёкла перед. -- электр., задние -- мех., противотуманки, доп. инструментальная панель, диски литые R15, Gamma.
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста Спасибо друг, но нет ли более детализированной информации? Типа как ребята выше выкладывали?
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста 100 LIM 1994-03 AAH -- 2,8 CAC -- мех, 5ст. crystallsilver metallic только это... .
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста Оперативное реагирование. Не успел отправить уже ответ пришел. Ну все равно спасибо.
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста пробейте пожалуйста WIN ПО КОМПЛЕКТАЦИИ WAUZZZ4B04N059777 если есть возможность выложите пожалуйста англицким текстом, С П А С И Б О !
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста VIN Number WAUZZZ4B04N059777; Sales type 4B50BC; Exterior color E8 Roof color E8 Interior trim code MB; Engine code & No. BDG 23669; Transmission code FRF; Date of production 06.12.2003; Model year 2004; Расшифровка кодов комплектации Код Опция 9Q0 without multi-function indicator/ on-board computer 9B0 without telepay device 8T0 without cruise control system (CCS) 0LW special plates/stickers/ safety certificates for Germany 4X4 side airbag, front and rear with curtain airbag FQ0 standard production wheels 1YA without transmission shafts f. rear axle 1C1 antifreeze up to -25 degree celsius tolerance up to -30 degree C 0F3 fuel system for diesel engine L0L left-hand drive vehicle 8TC rear fog light for driving on the right QH0 without voice control 7P1 power adjustable lumbar support in frontseats 7A0 without CD changer/CD player 1Z0 initial standard fuel filling B01 type approval Germany Q1D sports front seats 0N1 standard rear axle D1P 6-cyl. turbo die. e. 2.5 L/120 kW V6 24Vfuel distributor injection pump base engine is T5T/T1K G0K 6-speed manual transmission VX0 without hands-free system 7X0 without park distance control 2WA without additional tires QA0 without child seat B0A component parts set without country-specific design requirement 7AA electronic vehicle immobilization device FC0 without customized installation 1D0 without towing attachment 2A5 delivery equipment (transit coating) with thin seat cover 1KD disc brakes, rear 0G1 gearshift lever 7Q0 without navigation device 8UD radio "concert" 8N4 windshield wiper intermittent control with potentiometer (four speeds) 1SA without additional engine guard 6SS luggage compartment floor covering 6E0 without center armrest front 2PG steering wheel 0VC information kit in German VY0 without danger alarm system 0GG emissions concept EU 4 4K4 radio remote controlled central locking operated from inside and separate trunk release 3FA without roof insert (standard roof) 9ZF preparation for cellular phone with hands-free speaking system VJ1 reinforced bumpers 7QA without CD ROM T1K components for base engine, unit 059.E 2B1 additional exterior noise suppression 6M1 tie down straps 1E0 without activated charcoal canister 1T3 first aid kit and warning triangle 0W1 label for central electric German-speaking countries E0A no special edition 4ZB bright moldings 1LG disc brakes, front 3V0 without child bench seat 5A5 trunk lining, with stowage trays 4KC side and rear windows tinted VC0 w/o remote-controlled garage door opener H6U tires 205/55 R 16 91W 6U0 without additional seals outside N4J fabric seat covering "Sports", 4B0 4L2 dipping breakaway inside rear view mirror 7K0 without tire pressure warning light 8GU alternator 140A 6FB body-colored outer rear view mirror housings 3NZ rear seat bench unsplit, backrest split folding 2C5 axial and vertical adjustable steering column J1R battery 420 A (82 Ah) 9M0 without auxiliary/parking heater 4E0 tailgate/trunk lid unlocking from outside 1EX special identification plate for EC 2Z0 deletion of model designation 6V1 rear trim panel (ECE) 1N1 power steering NT0 transit coating (type 1) 5J0 without rear spoiler 8X0 without headlight washer system 3HA without leather parts scope 1G3 alloy spare wheel with original equipment tires 5C0 without special body measures 3X1 load-through provision with ski bag 8Q1 headlight-range adjustment 3PF electric height adjustment for both front seats 7E6 electric auxiliary air heater 5K1 paint preservative (wax) 6W5 front license plate bracket 1VH installation parts for six-cylinder engine 4N0 standard dashboard 0YG weight category rear axle weight range 7 GS0 without applications 4UE airbag f. driver a. front seat passenger 3B0 without additional child seat anchor 2T0 without double-sized standard (DIN) 7M1 scuff plates in door apertures with metal inserts 0JL weight category front axle weight range 11 3Q6 three rear headrests F0A no special purpose vehicle, standard equipment A00 no self-collection K8D Station Wagon Variant/Avant 5D1 carrier frequency 433.92 MHz 5RU outer right rear view mirror: convex (large viewing field) 9VD speaker (active) C9B alloy wheels 7J x 16 7-hole style, offset 45 3Y3 roll-up sun screen for rear window and rear side windows 9NX without electronic logbook C24 operating permit, alteration 24 6PA plastic hand brake lever handle 8JH ellipsoidal headlight for driving on the right 1WD transmission shaft for tripod joints U2B instrument insert with km/h speedometer,radio-controlled clock, tachometer, tripodometer and additional instruments 8K0 without special low beam mode 8Z5 engine cooling system, type 1 5SL outer left rear view mirror: non-spherical 1X0 front wheel drive 4GH windshield tinted with windshield sunshield 6Q1 plastic gearshift knob/handle 3C7 3-point seat belt for center rear seat 1PC wheel bolts with anti-theft protection (unlockable) 6XD outer rear view mirrors: powered, heated 4W0 without cassette and CD storage unit 9P0 without seat belt warning light 5E6 sill top with door cover 3CB removable net partition V0A tires w/o specification of tire brand FA0 control of standard production A8S standard equipment 0ST labels/plates in German and French 0DS installation differentiation for build status of vehicle class 4B0 (AUDI) 4A0 without seat heater QV0 w/o TV reception/digital radio reception 3S2 black roof rails 2G0 without insert for the filling up of fuel 5TM decorative aluminum inserts "check gray" 6R1 leatherette gearshift boot 1BA standard suspension/shock absorption 9AK Climatronic with impact pressure control free of cfc Нераспознанные коды WS1
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста простите за настойчивость - пробейте пожалуйста WIN ПО КОМПЛЕКТАЦИИ WAUZZZ4B64N008123 если есть возможность выложите пожалуйста англицким текстом, С П А С И Б О ! __________________
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста VIN Number WAUZZZ4B64N008123; Sales type 4B50BC; Exterior color A2 Roof color A2 Interior trim code LE; Engine code & No. BDG 6562; Transmission code FRF; Date of production 25.06.2003; Model year 2004; Расшифровка кодов комплектации Код Опция 9Q0 without multi-function indicator/ on-board computer 9B0 without telepay device 4X3 side airbag front with curtain airbag 8T0 without cruise control system (CCS) 0LW special plates/stickers/ safety certificates for Germany FQ0 standard production wheels 1YA without transmission shafts f. rear axle 1C1 antifreeze up to -25 degree celsius tolerance up to -30 degree C 0F3 fuel system for diesel engine L0L left-hand drive vehicle 8TC rear fog light for driving on the right QH0 without voice control 7P0 without lumbar support in front and rear seats 7A0 without CD changer/CD player 1Z0 initial standard fuel filling Q1A standard front seats B01 type approval Germany 8ED bi-functional headlight with gas discharge lamp, for driving on the right 0N1 standard rear axle D1P 6-cyl. turbo die. e. 2.5 L/120 kW V6 24Vfuel distributor injection pump base engine is T5T/T1K G0K 6-speed manual transmission VX0 without hands-free system 7X0 without park distance control 2WA without additional tires QA0 without child seat B0A component parts set without country-specific design requirement 7AA electronic vehicle immobilization device FC0 without customized installation 1D0 without towing attachment 2A5 delivery equipment (transit coating) with thin seat cover 1KD disc brakes, rear 0G1 gearshift lever 8UC radio "chorus" 7Q0 without navigation device 8N4 windshield wiper intermittent control with potentiometer (four speeds) 1SA without additional engine guard 6SS luggage compartment floor covering 2PG steering wheel 6E3 center armrest front 0VC information kit in German VY0 without danger alarm system 0GG emissions concept EU 4 4K4 radio remote controlled central locking operated from inside and separate trunk release 3FA without roof insert (standard roof) VJ1 reinforced bumpers 7QA without CD ROM T1K components for base engine, unit 059.E 2B1 additional exterior noise suppression 6M1 tie down straps 1E0 without activated charcoal canister 1T3 first aid kit and warning triangle 0W1 label for central electric German-speaking countries E0A no special edition 4ZB bright moldings 1LG disc brakes, front 3V0 without child bench seat 5A5 trunk lining, with stowage trays 4KC side and rear windows tinted VC0 w/o remote-controlled garage door opener H6U tires 205/55 R 16 91W 6U0 without additional seals outside 4L2 dipping breakaway inside rear view mirror J1G battery 450 A (92 Ah) 7K0 without tire pressure warning light 8GU alternator 140A 6FB body-colored outer rear view mirror housings 3NZ rear seat bench unsplit, backrest split folding 2C5 axial and vertical adjustable steering column 9M0 without auxiliary/parking heater 4E0 tailgate/trunk lid unlocking from outside 1EX special identification plate for EC 2Z0 deletion of model designation 6V1 rear trim panel (ECE) 1N1 power steering NT0 transit coating (type 1) 5J0 without rear spoiler 8X1 headlight washer system 3HA without leather parts scope 1G3 alloy spare wheel with original equipment tires 5C0 without special body measures 3X1 load-through provision with ski bag 8Q3 automatic headlight-range adjustment dynamic (self-adjusting while driving) 3PF electric height adjustment for both front seats 7E6 electric auxiliary air heater 5K1 paint preservative (wax) 6W5 front license plate bracket 1VH installation parts for six-cylinder engine 4N0 standard dashboard 0YG weight category rear axle weight range 7 GS0 without applications 4UE airbag f. driver a. front seat passenger 3B0 without additional child seat anchor 2T0 without double-sized standard (DIN) 7M1 scuff plates in door apertures with metal inserts 0JL weight category front axle weight range 11 3Q6 three rear headrests F0A no special purpose vehicle, standard equipment A00 no self-collection K8D Station Wagon Variant/Avant 5D1 carrier frequency 433.92 MHz 5RU outer right rear view mirror: convex (large viewing field) 3Y0 without roll-up sun screen 9VD speaker (active) C9B alloy wheels 7J x 16 7-hole style, offset 45 9NX without electronic logbook C23 operating permit, alteration 23 6PA plastic hand brake lever handle U2B instrument insert with km/h speedometer,radio-controlled clock, tachometer, tripodometer and additional instruments 1WD transmission shaft for tripod joints 9W0 w/o car phone preparation/installation N0B fabric seat covering 8K0 without special low beam mode 5SL outer left rear view mirror: non-spherical 8Z5 engine cooling system, type 1 1X0 front wheel drive 4GH windshield tinted with windshield sunshield 6Q1 plastic gearshift knob/handle 3C7 3-point seat belt for center rear seat 1PC wheel bolts with anti-theft protection (unlockable) 6XD outer rear view mirrors: powered, heated 4W0 without cassette and CD storage unit 9P0 without seat belt warning light 5E6 sill top with door cover 3CB removable net partition V0A tires w/o specification of tire brand FA0 control of standard production A8S standard equipment 0ST labels/plates in German and French 0DS installation differentiation for build status of vehicle class 4B0 (AUDI) 4A0 without seat heater QV0 w/o TV reception/digital radio reception 3S1 bright roof rails 2G0 without insert for the filling up of fuel 5TM decorative aluminum inserts "check gray" 6R1 leatherette gearshift boot 1BA standard suspension/shock absorption 9AK Climatronic with impact pressure control free of cfc Нераспознанные коды PX4
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста простите за настойчивость - пробейте пожалуйста WIN ПО КОМПЛЕКТАЦИИ WAUZZZ4B54N098493 если есть возможность выложите пожалуйста англицким текстом, С П А С И Б О !
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста И исчо простите за настойчивость - пробейте пожалуйста WIN ПО КОМПЛЕКТАЦИИ WAUZZZ4B83N077667 если есть возможность выложите пожалуйста англицким текстом, С П А С И Б О !
Ответ: пробейте VIN пожалуйста VIN Number WAUZZZ4B54N098493; Sales type 4B506C; Exterior color A2 Roof color A2 Interior trim code MB; Engine code & No. AVF616066; Transmission code GVS; Date of production 27.04.2004; Model year 2004; Расшифровка кодов комплектации Код Опция 9Q0 without multi-function indicator/ on-board computer 9B0 without telepay device 4X3 side airbag front with curtain airbag 8T0 without cruise control system (CCS) 0LW special plates/stickers/ safety certificates for Germany FQ0 standard production wheels 1YA without transmission shafts f. rear axle 1C1 antifreeze up to -25 degree celsius tolerance up to -30 degree C 0F3 fuel system for diesel engine L0L left-hand drive vehicle 8TC rear fog light for driving on the right QH0 without voice control 7P1 power adjustable lumbar support in frontseats 7A0 without CD changer/CD player 1Z0 initial standard fuel filling Q1A standard front seats B01 type approval Germany 8ED bi-functional headlight with gas discharge lamp, for driving on the right 0N1 standard rear axle G0K 6-speed manual transmission VX0 without hands-free system 7X0 without park distance control 2WA without additional tires QA0 without child seat B0A component parts set without country-specific design requirement FC0 without customized installation 1D0 without towing attachment 2A5 delivery equipment (transit coating) with thin seat cover 1KD disc brakes, rear 0G1 gearshift lever 7AH electronic vehicle immobilization devicewith alarm system, passenger compartmentcontrol and backup horn 8UC radio "chorus" 7Q0 without navigation device 8N4 windshield wiper intermittent control with potentiometer (four speeds) 1SA without additional engine guard 6SS luggage compartment floor covering 6E3 center armrest front 0VC information kit in German VY0 without danger alarm system 4K4 radio remote controlled central locking operated from inside and separate trunk release 3FA without roof insert (standard roof) 9ZF preparation for cellular phone with hands-free speaking system VJ1 reinforced bumpers 7QA without CD ROM 2B1 additional exterior noise suppression 6M1 tie down straps 1LB disc brakes, front 1E0 without activated charcoal canister 1T3 first aid kit and warning triangle 0W1 label for central electric German-speaking countries E0A no special edition 4ZB bright moldings 3V0 without child bench seat 5A5 trunk lining, with stowage trays 4KC side and rear windows tinted D3E 4-cyl. turbo diesel engine 1.9 L/96 kW TDI with pump-jet injection system, EU 3base engine is T9J/TG0 T9J components for base engine, unit 038.K VC0 w/o remote-controlled garage door opener 0GZ emissions concept EU 3 H6U tires 205/55 R 16 91W 6U0 without additional seals outside N4J fabric seat covering "Sports", 4B0 J1D battery 380 A (72 Ah) 4L2 dipping breakaway inside rear view mirror 7K0 without tire pressure warning light 8GU alternator 140A 6FB body-colored outer rear view mirror housings 3NZ rear seat bench unsplit, backrest split folding 2C5 axial and vertical adjustable steering column 9M0 without auxiliary/parking heater 4E0 tailgate/trunk lid unlocking from outside 1EX special identification plate for EC 2Z0 deletion of model designation 6V1 rear trim panel (ECE) 1MR leather steering wheel 1N1 power steering NT0 transit coating (type 1) 5J0 without rear spoiler 8X1 headlight washer system 3HA without leather parts scope 1G3 alloy spare wheel with original equipment tires 5C0 without special body measures 3X0 without load-through provision 8Q3 automatic headlight-range adjustment dynamic (self-adjusting while driving) 3PF electric height adjustment for both front seats 7E6 electric auxiliary air heater 5K1 paint preservative (wax) 6W5 front license plate bracket 1VG installation parts for four-cylinder engine 4N0 standard dashboard 0YG weight category rear axle weight range 7 GS0 without applications 4UE airbag f. driver a. front seat passenger 3B0 without additional child seat anchor 2T0 without double-sized standard (DIN) 0JJ weight category front axle weight range 9 7M1 scuff plates in door apertures with metal inserts 3Q6 three rear headrests F0A no special purpose vehicle, standard equipment A00 no self-collection K8D Station Wagon Variant/Avant 5D1 carrier frequency 433.92 MHz 5RU outer right rear view mirror: convex (large viewing field) 3Y0 without roll-up sun screen 9VD speaker (active) C9B alloy wheels 7J x 16 7-hole style, offset 45 9NX without electronic logbook C24 operating permit, alteration 24 U2B instrument insert with km/h speedometer,radio-controlled clock, tachometer, tripodometer and additional instruments 6PC leatherette hand brake lever handle 1WD transmission shaft for tripod joints 8K0 without special low beam mode 5SL outer left rear view mirror: non-spherical 8Z5 engine cooling system, type 1 1X0 front wheel drive 4GH windshield tinted with windshield sunshield 6Q2 leather gearshift knob/handle 3C7 3-point seat belt for center rear seat 1PC wheel bolts with anti-theft protection (unlockable) 6XD outer rear view mirrors: powered, heated 4W0 without cassette and CD storage unit 9P0 without seat belt warning light 5E6 sill top with door cover 3CB removable net partition V0A tires w/o specification of tire brand FA0 control of standard production A8S standard equipment 0ST labels/plates in German and French 0DS installation differentiation for build status of vehicle class 4B0 (AUDI) 4A0 without seat heater QV0 w/o TV reception/digital radio reception 3S2 black roof rails 2G0 without insert for the filling up of fuel 5TM decorative aluminum inserts "check gray" 1BA standard suspension/shock absorption 6R2 leather gearshift boot 9AK Climatronic with impact pressure control free of cfc Нераспознанные коды PDW P15 PX4 VIN Number WAUZZZ4B83N077667; Sales type 4B50X9; Exterior color E8 Roof color E8 Interior trim code MB; Engine code & No. AKE150065; Transmission code FTL; Date of production 05.02.2003; Model year 2003; Расшифровка кодов комплектации Код Опция 9Q0 without multi-function indicator/ on-board computer 9B0 without telepay device 4X3 side airbag front with curtain airbag 8T0 without cruise control system (CCS) 0LW special plates/stickers/ safety certificates for Germany FQ0 standard production wheels 1YD transmission shafts for rear axle diameter 108 1C1 antifreeze up to -25 degree celsius tolerance up to -30 degree C 0F3 fuel system for diesel engine L0L left-hand drive vehicle 8TC rear fog light for driving on the right QH0 without voice control 7P0 without lumbar support in front and rear seats 7A0 without CD changer/CD player Q1A standard front seats B01 type approval Germany 1Z2 increase in initial standard fuel filling 0N5 standard rear axle G0L six-speed manual transmission for four-wheel drive vehicle VX0 without hands-free system 7X0 without park distance control 2WA without additional tires QA0 without child seat B0A component parts set without country-specific design requirement 7AA electronic vehicle immobilization device FC0 without customized installation 1D0 without towing attachment 2A5 delivery equipment (transit coating) with thin seat cover 1KD disc brakes, rear 0G1 gearshift lever 8UC radio "chorus" 7Q0 without navigation device 8N4 windshield wiper intermittent control with potentiometer (four speeds) 1SA without additional engine guard 6SS luggage compartment floor covering 6E0 without center armrest front 2PG steering wheel 0VC information kit in German 0GE emissions concept EU 3 VY0 without danger alarm system 4K4 radio remote controlled central locking operated from inside and separate trunk release 3FA without roof insert (standard roof) 9ZF preparation for cellular phone with hands-free speaking system 7QA without CD ROM 2B1 additional exterior noise suppression 6M1 tie down straps 1E0 without activated charcoal canister 1T3 first aid kit and warning triangle 0W1 label for central electric German-speaking countries E0A no special edition 4ZB bright moldings 1LG disc brakes, front 3V0 without child bench seat 5A5 trunk lining, with stowage trays 4KC side and rear windows tinted VC0 w/o remote-controlled garage door opener H6U tires 205/55 R 16 91W 6U0 without additional seals outside N4J fabric seat covering "Sports", 4B0 4L2 dipping breakaway inside rear view mirror J1G battery 450 A (92 Ah) 7K0 without tire pressure warning light 3GD plane rear cargo area 8GU alternator 140A 6FB body-colored outer rear view mirror housings 3NZ rear seat bench unsplit, backrest split folding 2C5 axial and vertical adjustable steering column 9M0 without auxiliary/parking heater 4E0 tailgate/trunk lid unlocking from outside 1EX special identification plate for EC 2Z0 deletion of model designation 2K1 reinforced bumpers 6V1 rear trim panel (ECE) 1N1 power steering NT0 transit coating (type 1) 5J0 without rear spoiler 8X0 without headlight washer system 3HA without leather parts scope 1G3 alloy spare wheel with original equipment tires 5C0 without special body measures 3X0 without load-through provision 8Q1 headlight-range adjustment 3PF electric height adjustment for both front seats 7E6 electric auxiliary air heater 6W5 front license plate bracket 1VH installation parts for six-cylinder engine 4N0 standard dashboard 5K5 transit protective film (instead of paint preservative) 4UE airbag f. driver a. front seat passenger 3B0 without additional child seat anchor 2T0 without double-sized standard (DIN) 7M1 scuff plates in door apertures with metal inserts 3Q6 three rear headrests 0JM weight category front axle weight range 12 F0A no special purpose vehicle, standard equipment A00 no self-collection K8D Station Wagon Variant/Avant 0YT weight category rear axle weight range 17 5D1 carrier frequency 433.92 MHz 5RU outer right rear view mirror: convex (large viewing field) 3Y0 without roll-up sun screen 9VD speaker (active) C9B alloy wheels 7J x 16 7-hole style, offset 45 C22 operating permit, alteration 22 9NX without electronic logbook 6PA plastic hand brake lever handle 8JH ellipsoidal headlight for driving on the right 1WD transmission shaft for tripod joints U2B instrument insert with km/h speedometer,radio-controlled clock, tachometer, tripodometer and additional instruments 8K0 without special low beam mode 8Z5 engine cooling system, type 1 5SL outer left rear view mirror: non-spherical 4GH windshield tinted with windshield sunshield 1X1 four wheel drive 6Q1 plastic gearshift knob/handle 3C7 3-point seat belt for center rear seat 1PC wheel bolts with anti-theft protection (unlockable) 6XD outer rear view mirrors: powered, heated 4W0 without cassette and CD storage unit 9P0 without seat belt warning light T5T components for base engine, unit 059.B 5E2 sill top with door cover MR1 6-cyl. diesel engine 2.5 L/132 kW 24V TDI with fuel distributor injection pumpbase engine is T1K/T5T 3CB removable net partition FA0 control of standard production V0A tires w/o specification of tire brand A8S standard equipment 0ST labels/plates in German and French 0DS installation differentiation for build status of vehicle class 4B0 (AUDI) 4A0 without seat heater QV0 w/o TV reception/digital radio reception 3S2 black roof rails 2G0 without insert for the filling up of fuel 5TM decorative aluminum inserts "check gray" 6R1 leatherette gearshift boot 1BA standard suspension/shock absorption 9AK Climatronic with impact pressure control free of cfc