
Тема в разделе "Все обо всем", создана пользователем Quattroman, 30 окт 2005.


Ваше отношение к Quattro ?

  1. Стремлюсь заполучить двумя руками!

  2. Пофигу!

  3. Дороже в обслуживании...Не ну нах!

  4. А мне и на переднем не плохо!

  1. Петров

    Петров Живу я здесь

    2 ноя 2004
    Ответ: Рулим!

    Зачем же? Думаю, многим нравится.
  2. ser777

    ser777 Новичок

    13 апр 2005
    ауди 100 dr 1.8
    #62 ser777, 21 ноя 2005
    Последнее редактирование: 21 ноя 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!

    кватра штука хорошая тока она опускает планки http://fishki.net/comment.php?id=6054 нервным лучше не смотреть --авария
  3. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    #63 Quattroman, 21 ноя 2005
    Последнее редактирование: 21 ноя 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!

    Причем тут кватра?:shock: С дури люди х.у.й ломают а потом идут к врачу!
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  4. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!

    Pro-Con 10[​IMG]

    The 100/200 models from '88 feature a seat belt tensioning system. The system is entirely mechanical, using the mass (inertia) of a displaced engine/transmission to tension both front seat belts to hold the front passengers firmly in place. The system operates independently of the front driver's side airbag. The Pro-con 10 system consists of two Teflon coated stainless steel bowden cables that are wound around the seat belt retractors in opposite direction of the normal rotation. The cables run through the body, and are looped around a cable guide incorporated into the top of the transmission. The cables are then anchored to securing brackets on opposite sides in the engine compartment.

    The system only operates in the event of a front end collision at impact speeds above approximately 15 miles per hour. At lower vehicle speeds, impact energy is absorbed through deformation of the car body alone. The system works on the principle of a block and tackle. The cable path to the seat belt retractors is twice as long as the relative movement between the engine and vehicle body. In the event of a frontal collision, the reeling in of the front seat belts occurs at twice the speed of the vehicle's front end deformation.

    If a front end collision occurs, and the engine moves rearward, the cables are tensioned at the transmission. The cables, which are connected to the seat belt retractors, tighten the seat belts by turning the retractors backwards. After an accident in which the system has been activated, the belts will no longer be able to be reeled in by the automatic retractors. When this occurs, or if the seatbelts need replacement for any other reason, the seat belts, retractors, and cables must be replaced as a unit.

    The seat belt system also incorporates a knee bar beneath the steering wheel (the glove box on the passenger side) to prevent submarining (sliding beneath your seatbelt) during a frontal impact. Seatbelt height is adjustable for front passengers on the B-pillar on each side, to provide better support in an accident.

    The front seats have a ramped (upwardly sloped) lower seat cushion and generous bolsters on both the sport seats and optional comfort seats, to help hold front seat passengers in place during an impact. Rear outer seats include 3-point seatbelts, while the center seat has a lap belt. Mounting points are also provided for a top tether for a child seat on the rear seat.


    <HR width="100%" SIZE=12>Airbag

    A driver's side airbag is standard on the '91 200 quattro 20v. This airbag is a supplemental restraint designed to be used with an occupant who is wearing a seat belt. The airbag, an 80-liter unit, is larger than most used in similar vehicles, and is mounted in the horn pad of the steering wheel. The airbag is designed to be activated if the vehicle is in a frontal collision equivalent to striking a solid barrier at a speed greater than 9 to 11 miles per hour (forward longitudinal deceleration of about 1.7 g must be exceeded). It will not activate in all collisions (such as side impacts greater than 30-degrees off the center axis, roll-over, rear end collision, or frontal impacts less than the force described above).

    The airbag is inflated by a gas generator also located in the horn pad. The inflated air bag then acts as an air cushion between the driver and steering wheel to help dissipate the impact energy of the collision. Four discharge holes are located on the back of the air bag facing away from the driver to deflate the bag uniformly and insure controlled energy absorption as the driver's upper body sinks into the bag.

    About 10 milliseconds (0.010 seconds) after the start of a frontal collision severe enough to activate the air bag system, the triggering limit is reached, and and electrical signal is sent to the ignitor. The ignitor will then fire the detonator and the solid propellant will begin to burn. After about 40 milliseconds (0.040 seconds), the air bag is fully inflated. At this point, the driver's body begins to move forward.

    After about 60 milliseconds (0.060 seconds), the driver's head and upper body will sink into the air bag. The openings on the back of the air bag will allow for a uniform release of gas pressure from the bag.

    After about 110 milliseconds (0.100 seconds), the impact has been absorbed and the occupant begins to move back into the seat. The air bag is now mostly deflated.

    Crush Zones


    The body of the 200 is designed with a central safety cell, side-impact protection in each door and pillar; impact-absorbing front and rear bumpers, and front and rear crush zones. The engine and transmission are designed to be displaced backwards in a severe frontal impact, moving below the passenger compartment. Similarly, the hood is designed with specific reinforcements so that it will properly crumple, and not be pushed backwards into or through the central safety cell.

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  5. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    #65 Quattroman, 21 ноя 2005
    Последнее редактирование: 21 ноя 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!


    :D :D

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD><CENTER>[​IMG]</CENTER></TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>Black 200 quattro 20v-90 A supersedan!</CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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  6. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!










    <TABLE width=800 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD align=right>[​IMG]

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  7. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!



    <TABLE width=800 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD>[​IMG]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    <TABLE width=800 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD align=right>[​IMG](2) <TD>here you can see the rear double wing and the air outlets from the rear wheel wells. <TR><TD align=right>[​IMG](2) <TD>Perhaps not the most comfortable working places but surely one of the fastest. During the 200 to 500 miles of a race, it could get quite hot in there. <TR><TD align=right>[​IMG](2) <TD>Well, the exhaust fumes have to go somewhere. As the car sits so low, this was the best solution. <TR><TD align=right>[​IMG]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


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  8. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!















    :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
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  9. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!





    <TABLE width=800 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD>

    <TABLE align=center><TBODY><TR><TD>[​IMG] <TD>[​IMG] <TD>[​IMG] <TD>[​IMG]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    [​IMG]:up: :up:
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  10. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!


    <TABLE width=800 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD>[​IMG] <TD>[​IMG]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>



    <TABLE width=750 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>[size=+2]LeMans 2001[/size]

    </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rain, rain, rain, that was LeMans 2001. So much rain that at some times cars spun again and again and the Safety Car had to get out. Some teams obviously had problems with that much water: Their electronic control units (ECUs) resigned their duty. The private Audi #4 of the team Johansson Motorsport (Johansson, Coronel, Lemarie) had to quit relatively early. The works R8 with the Number 3 (Champion Racing with Herbert, Kelleners, Theys) stopped pretty early (Sauturday evening), too. But the two Audis with the #1 (Audi Sport Team Joest with Biela, Kristensen, Pirro) and #2 (Audi Sport Team North America with Aiello -who sacrificed a start in the DTM for that, which cost him quite some points-, Capello, Pescatori) once again did a demonstration of flawlessness. Without major problems they did their turns. At the end, it was 321 laps for #1 and 320 for #2. Only one lap difference after 24 hours! The fewer laps in comparison to the last years are caused by the terrible weather. Third place went to the surprisingly strong Bentley: Bentley did a return to LeMans after ages and the car was temporarily frighteningly fast. You'll have to watch out for Bentley next year! Things were not so well for Chrysler: The Viper dethroned, the prototype not bullet proof, but after all a fourth place. It is a pitty that the Panoz' really got beaten badly: Misluck, problems, mistakes, it was not the year of the Americans. Except for the Corvettes, which dominated their class.

    </TD><TD> [​IMG](3)
    </TD><TR><TD align=right>[​IMG](3)
    </TD><TD> [​IMG](3)</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

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  11. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    #71 Quattroman, 21 ноя 2005
    Последнее редактирование: 21 ноя 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!










    <TABLE width=800 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2><TR><TD>[​IMG]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>





    <TABLE width=640 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle colSpan=2></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right>[​IMG]</TD><TD>Hey, watch that old BMW 02! Pushing pretty hard!</TD></TR><TR><TD align=right>[​IMG]</TD><TD>Always on the edge...</TD></TR><TR><TD align=right>[​IMG]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>













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  12. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    #72 Quattroman, 21 ноя 2005
    Последнее редактирование: 21 ноя 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!

    <TABLE width=800 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD>[​IMG](3) <TD>This is the terrifying Audi 80 Competition of Pertti Kuismanen (Finnish) and Karl Hasenbichler (Austrian). The engine is a tuned 5cylinder turbo. As Belcar has a handicap of x1,7 for charged engines, the Audi 80 has to start in the class TA, for touring cars over 3litre.

    This picture was taken during the '99 24h race at Zolder, where the both drivers were supported by Matti Alamäki.
    <TR><TD>[​IMG](2) <TD>But starting in TA is not really much of a problem. Kuismanen and Hasenbichler easily manage to be under the top 5 (over all!) if nothing fails. The car colour has shifted from silver/black/red to silver/red and even more sponsor stickers. Along with the colour, some bodywork was changed, the fenders are no longer "large" they now are "extreme". <TR><TD>[​IMG](2) <TD>The first thing you notice are the extreme wings front and back. Belcar rules allow that, if the wing does not "protrude beyond the car’s contours". The lateral view of the car must be maintained. <TR><TD>[​IMG](2) <TD>Obviously that still allows for some serious bodywork. Note that strange small bulge in the hood and the many venting holes along the whole body.

    <TR><TD>[​IMG](2) <TD>The air guides in front surely help the air flow around the body's edge and create some downforce. <TR><TD>[​IMG](1) <TD>The front air intake is large enough to sniff up cats and dogs, so a net was necessary. ;)

    Note the additional headlights in the opening, the standard headlights are covered by stickers- of a sponsor, of course.
    <TR><TD>[​IMG](1) <TD>Once again in full motion!

    Despite many DNFs (did not finish), Kuismanen and Hasenbilcher reached 4th place in their division in 2000. Either they won or they DNF, that is nearly the conclusion of 2000. Eight races, 5 wins, once 2 points, twice 0 points. In the combined ranking of touringcars (called "T"), they reached the respectable 5th place. In the drivers' championship, combining all drivers of all divisions, Kuismanen finished 7th.
    <TR><TD>[​IMG](1) <TD>Another top-contender is this red/yellow A4. Based on a standard 2.0 litre Audi touring car of the STC, thanks to its tweaked 1.8T (x1.7) it has to start in class TB: Touring cars between 2 and 3 litres.

    Driven by Jean-Franзois Hemroulle and Tim Verbergt (both Belgian), this A4 quattro is a threat to the bigger classes like TA and even the GTs.
    Caused be many DNFs, only the 6th place in the TB was the result of the 2000 season. Similar to Kuismanen, the won if they finished. Eight races, 7 starts, 3 wins, 5 times 0 points. This was still good enough for 10th place in the overall ranking of the touringcars.
    <TR><TD>[​IMG](4) <TD>Belcar has succeeded in creating a fair set of rules. Both turbo charged cars can compete with the normally aspirated, bigger cars in such a way that it won't get boring.

    The red/yellow paint job really is an eye-catcher, and the partially covered headlights really look mean. Taken '99 in Zolder.
    <TR><TD>[​IMG](3) <TD>Ooops! Belcar racing is known to be fair, but as all touringcar series, a bit of bent metal belongs to it, especially during a 24h race (Zolder 99). Drivers were Jean-Franзois Hemroulle and Tim Verbergt as usual, accompanied by Marcel Tarrès. <TR><TD>[​IMG] <TD>For Zolder '98 the car had a different paint scheme. In fact, every year has its own colour scheme, sometimes it changed during a season. <TR><TD>[​IMG](4) <TD>This is an older pic (at Zolder in 1997), showing less yellow but more of the original silver. <TR><TD>[​IMG](4) <TD>Even older, even more silver. Note the other Audi behind Hemroulle. This was taken at Zolder in 3/96. <TR><TD>[​IMG](4) <TD>In the very beginning (this was taken in Franchorchamps in 1996), the car wore pure silver like the factory racers of Audi in the STC. <TR><TD>[​IMG](4) <TD>In the past Hemroulle has also driven this Audi 80 Competition. This was taken 3/94 at Zolder. <TR><TD>[​IMG](4) <TD>One of the first major series for Hemroulle was the Belgian Procar series in 1993, where he, as a rookie, drove this pretty famous V8 (like in the DTM) as a member of the Belgian Junior Team. <TR><TD>[​IMG](2) <TD>Yes, even an TT occasionally drives in the Belcar series. But how can you control the lift on the rear axle that caused so many problems on the streets? <TR><TD>[​IMG](2) <TD>Right! With a big rear wing. Compare that to the small spoiler Audi now fits on the TTs and you will realize that this thing creates enough downforce. ;) <TR><TD>[​IMG] <TD>Even relatively normal cars are participating in the 24h races (99 at Zolder). Noteworthy on this A4 are the rear spoiler and the additional headlights for the night. Drivers were Erik Crabbe, Philippe Maertens and Patrick Lombaerts</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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  13. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!





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  14. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!




    <TABLE width=750 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD align=right>[​IMG]

    </TD><TD>The pedals are clever: If you step on the left one, only the front axle brakes. Ideal for that burn-out to get heat the rear tires! If you step on the right pedal, the left pedal gets moved, too and both axles are braked. What you surely can need after a quartermile!

    This was made possible as the Audi gearbox is an automatic (gives better starting abilities) and the 1982 Scirocco had manual transmission So the pedals could easily
    <TABLE width=750 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD align=right>[​IMG]</TD><TD>"Just" take an Audi fivecylinder Turbo and the subframe of an Audi 200 (You can see in the upper picture that Bobtail has 5 hole rims in the rear.), cut a hole in the rear of the Scirocco and weld everything in place. Construct an engine frame and add some N<SUB>2</SUB>O..

    Of course it wasn't that easy. For example, there was not enough room to use the coil-overs from the Audi. So "Bobtail" has no rear suspension. No big problem,

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  15. DMITRIK777

    DMITRIK777 Bad e-mail

    21 июн 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!

    библиотека им. ленина отдыхает :dead:


    • sleepover.jpg
      Размер файла:
      48,8 КБ
  16. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    #76 Quattroman, 21 ноя 2005
    Последнее редактирование: 21 ноя 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!

    <TABLE width=800 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2><TR><TD>[​IMG]



    Е.Б.А.НИСТИЧЕСКАЯ ТАЧКА!!!:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:




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  17. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!






























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  18. FIN®

    FIN® check out

    1 янв 2003
    Ответ: Рулим!

    :rock: :rock: :rock: прусь от своего ведра полноприводного:up: :hi:
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  19. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!
















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  20. Quattroman

    Quattroman Живу я здесь

    23 окт 2005
    Ответ: Рулим!












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